Wednesday, September 04, 2013

It is all about you

I used to joke when I led parenting classes, that when they pushed the baby and placenta out, they pushed the guilt in.

Motherhood and guilt, they just go hand in hand.  Even when our children are grown and gone, we can find ourselves feeling selfish because we want to do something just for ourselves.

We almost have to justify it to ourselves first before we can market and sell it to the rest of the family.  But why?  We are grown adult women, hopefully with some confidence and vested interest in being successful in life.  Now the definition of success will vary, but the point is to achieve what you want and gain success on your terms.

But it is very hard to get women to invest in themselves.  However, if you don’t believe you are worth it, how can you convince others of your value.  The children or young members of your family have gone back to school or university, now it is your turn to learn more… and the topic is of real interest, I promise you… it’s all about you.

When we first came up with the idea of a retreat it was because we kept hearing from women who attended our Journey 2 Success conference that hearing the speakers was life-changing.  But we all know that making change doesn’t happen overnight and sometimes we need someone outside of our inner circle to help guide us and make sure we are actually headed in the right direction.

So we pulled together some of the speakers from the conference who’ve been there and want to help others find themselves and what they are next to be.  I heard a great quote the other day from management guru John Maxwell in which he said “people will grow into the conversations around them.”

How true.  When you are surrounded by like-minded women who are invested in themselves and in you, how can you not grow?  There is something stimulating and contagious about being in feisty, fierce and thought-provoking conversations with women who care.

As women we tend to be pleasers, but maybe it is time to please yourself first.  Give yourself permission to escape from the day-to-day routine and to indulge in some me-time.  We have a couple of spaces left, I am confident one of them has your name on it.  Check it out.  You are worth it.

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