Sunday, January 24, 2010


Those who know me, know how much I am a stickler about finishing our meetings on time. I recognize, especially with our evening events, that we have all put in a long day, and are back into the fray the next morning, so I try to be respectful of people’s time and energy levels.

So it was really unusual to see so many people still gathered at the conference centre on Tuesday, long after the session had ended. True to form, I had ended the event on time, but no one wanted to leave. We had 90 women at that event, so you can imagine the noise level and energy in the room.

Our speaker, Donna Messer, had created such a buzz that people wanted to continue connecting with each other and if possible, grab a moment of Donna’s time too. It was 9.45 before the last person left.

What was the topic that generated this level of interest? How to network effectively. Donna, often known as the Queen of Networking, had worked the room introducing women to each other. She made a point of finding a common denominator and you could see the light bulb going on as women embraced the idea of connecting and helping each other.

Mission accomplished. That’s what Company of Women is all about.

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