Company of Women, an organization that supports, connects and promotes women in business. Bizwomen focuses on the thoughts and observations of being women in business today.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Be Real, Get a Life
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Another Four-Letter Word to Ban
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Time Strapped? Revisit How You Spend Your Time
Like many women there are times when I feel time-strapped to fit everything in. So I was interested to read an article on how to get an extra hour out of my day.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
The Personal Touch
Monday, September 05, 2011
Jack’s Legacy

No matter what your political stripe, people admired and respected Jack. He represented a type of politician that we rarely, unfortunately, see – someone who was honest, treated everyone with respect and valued the opinions of others. He was authentic.
You just hope that his legacy will live on and that the politicians in the audience listened, reflected on his message and determined to change the way they do business. Like many, I am tired of the hostility, game-playing and manipulation that has become an integral part of politics today.
Too much time is spent trying to win a point, to score a slight against an opponent, instead of finding ways to work together, to improve Canada and to focus on what is important.
We need hope, optimism and love. We need Jack’s vision to live on. We need to be proud to be Canadians.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Getting Past Myself

As she talked about what I could do to create a buzz about the book, I realized that what was holding me back, was me. “You’re too modest, Anne.” she observed. Like many women, I am uncomfortable about selling myself and given that the book is about my life and the lessons I have learned – it really is all about me.
Why do we do that? I’ve had a very successful career, have accomplished a lot and I believe I have made a difference in the lives of others; so it’s not that I lack confidence in myself, yet I still hold back from tooting my own horn. Maybe it is my British background, because growing up in the UK, it would be deemed highly inappropriate to brag about yourself.
Maybe we need to follow the example of our southern sisters because they don’t seem to have the same difficulty in selling themselves. But there is a fine line between being confident and being in someone’s face.
Or maybe I just need to take my own advice because in the book I talk about slaying dragons and facing fears head-on. My fears there concerned driving into the unknown, especially on highways and public speaking – and I am getting better on both fronts.
But I sometimes wonder if my fear in this instance is the fear of failing, that people won’t like my book, and because of its content, by extension won’t like me. There I said it. As Jane Fonda said the other night, the disease of pleasing. I know better and I need to get over myself.
“But the other challenge,” Sabaina remarked, “is that people see you as the founder of Company of Women, not as an author.” So she recommended that I first start to identify myself as a writer because if I don’t believe it myself, how can I expect other people to.
My homework is to write my bio as an author, which given this is my third book, shouldn’t be a stretch, I just have to remember I can write.
So let me start by introducing you to Anne Day, author – OK Sabaina - accomplished author.