Sunday, May 27, 2012

Five months. Five women. Five new businesses.

For five months now our newbie group has been meeting on a regular basis.   I remember at our first meeting there was almost a group sigh of relief when the women discovered that they all felt the same way – scared, full of self doubt but brimming with ideas.

Throughout this period the women have been working through those ideas, pursuing each one to find some worked, others didn’t.  And now five months later they are on different paths.  Each has changed her direction, intention and in the process of finding herself, has also found self-confidence and the faith that this is going to work.

I’ve felt like the bus driver, taking them on a scenic route until one by one, each found her destination and disembarked to follow her dreams.   It has been fascinating to observe how their ideas have evolved – each leading to a better, more profitable business concept. But when you start off, you really don’t know which will take off, and so you have to explore different avenues, in the hope that one of the ideas, will be THE idea.

Starting a business is always a work in progress until you find your niche; the sweet spot that will propel you out of bed in the morning, ready to take on another day. And the ideas or plans that you discard are never wasted as you learn something new with each turn in the road.

What is also encouraging to see is that they support one another and likely will continue to long after the group is over.  Now that is what it is all about.   You don’t have to be alone when you own.

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